Editor's note: National Golf Day is May 7-10. GCM is covering GCSAA's involvement in the event with stories all week long. To keep up with our complete coverage, click here.
This year marks the 16th National Golf Day, which serves as the pinnacle advocacy event of the American Golf Industries Coalition, and GCSAA and its members have been an active part of the event since it began.
As one of the four original American Golf Industries Collation organizations (founded in 2009 as We Are Golf), GCSAA understands that having a united voice among golf’s leading organizations is stronger than individual ones.
AGIC promotes and advocates for the collective interests of the sport by advocating for legislative and regulatory issues and facilitating the industry's diversity, equity and inclusion efforts.
In each area of emphasis, the coalition unites the golf industry in pursuit of goals designed to enhance the vitality and diversity of the recreational and business entities of the sport. AGIC serves as a banner under which collaborative issues can be
addressed when it’s clear that one collective voice is most effective. GCSAA CEO Rhett Evans serves on the executive leadership committee of AGIC.
“AGIC is a voice for the nearly 2 million people for who have jobs within the golf industry, like GCSAA members, as well as the more than 41 million Americans who participate in the game in some form,” Evans said. “GCSAA is proud to
be a part of AGIC’s efforts to champion the many benefits of golf and to defend the game against misguided regulation.”
National Golf Day takes all the power behind the AGIC and concentrates it on three days of events in Washington, D.C., that showcase the game's $101.7 billion economy, nearly $6 billion annual charitable impact and many environmental and fitness benefits.
NGD attendees meet with House and Senate members or their staff to discuss the key issues impacting golf and to share their personal experiences with lawmakers from their states. These personal interactions help lawmakers see the positive impact golf
has on their constituents.
NGD attendees go into these meetings after being briefed and trained to discuss the issues, and they go into the meetings as teams, so all attendees are prepared and comfortable when speaking with their lawmakers.
National Golf Day week also includes the Community Service Project, which gives attendees the opportunity to give back while demonstrating their professional skills. Past Community Service Projects have involved restoration and beautification projects
along the National Mall, and this year will expand to include work at Langston Golf Course.
National Golf Day is a rewarding experience for all involved that puts a spotlight on why golf is important and how industry members can help secure its future for generations to come.
Angela Hartmann is GCSAA's director of communications.