Keeping the green at Mongolia’s only golf course August 2021 Mount Bogd Golf & Country Club superintendent Ariunbold Damba discusses growing turf and gaining a foothold for golf in a region with extreme winters and rugged terrain.
Bovine muscle on the golf course August 1, 2019 A family of water buffalo grazes on weeds and other unruly vegetation at Vietnam’s Laguna Golf Lăng Cô.
Maintaining Southeast Asia’s first proper links June 19, 2019 A brand-new Vietnam golf course is betting on Zeon zoysiagrass — and a skilled superintendent — to deliver firm and fast conditions in the tropical environment.
An in-house staff pipeline at Hoiana Shores Golf Club April 2019 How has a Vietnam resort ensured it has enough qualified crew members on hand to meet its high standards for course conditions? It created its own vocational college to train them.
A golf course superintendent abroad January 2019 A turf manager who made the leap to the Asian golf market 20-plus years ago shares lessons in perseverance and management learned through a different lens.
Superintendent strikes gold in South Korea February 23, 2018 GCSAA member Brent Borelli gets major satisfaction working in the country that has the Olympic spotlight.