The relationship between thatch and white grub populations in imidacloprid-treated turf January 2025 Research findings underscore the importance of managing thatch as part ā€Øof an integrated pest management strategy.
Measuring beneficial predator activity in turf March 2021 Spiders, ants and other natural predators of destructive turf pests leave little trace of their presence. To learn more about them and maximize their benefits, researchers got craft-y.
Turf insects: Looking for bugs in all the right places November 2020 To best manage turf pests, superintendents must first don their detective hats. A turf entomologist details the different insect-monitoring techniques and which work for tracking which insects.
Understanding turf fungicide resistance and FRAC codes June 18, 2020 Brian Aynardi, Ph.D., offers a primer on how resistance develops, which turf pathogens are resistant to which fungicides, and steps superintendents can take to rein in resistance.
Pollinators in the turfgrass ecosystem: Best management practices May 2018 Wise use of the tools that help us produce both food and high-quality landscaping will help protect the pollinators that are vital to food production.
The plight of the pollinator November 2017 Entomologists have several suggestions to help superintendents protect pollinators in the turf landscape.
Turfgrass insect management: The windshield or the bug October 2017 A well-thought-out agronomic plan for turfgrass insect control can help superintendents steer clear of potentially big setbacks.
Integrated pest management: Scouting report August 2017 Use the ABCs of IPM to clear up the mysteries behind damage to your turf and ornamentals.
Sable Oaks Golf Club: Exemption through environmentalism November 2016 Thanks to the courseā€™s use of integrated pest management and its various environmental initiatives, Sable Oaks Golf Club in South Portland, Maine, has received additional time to comply with a city-wide ban on pesticides.
Welcome, wildlife May 2016 These four golf course maintenance strategies are fundamental to fostering and caring for wildlife habitat, and are a good launching point for superintendents looking to get started with more environmentally beneficial management.