When is Poa annua seed most germinable in spring? February 2020 Well-timed collection of clippings can limit the introduction of additional — and potentially herbicide-resistant — seed into the seed bank.
Verdure: Poa management, Nordic style December 2019 Looking to thwart Poa annua invasion on red fescue greens, researchers experimented with blending more competitive grasses into the seed mix.
Suppressing Poa annua seedhead production November 2019 Researchers examined how well different mowing delays pre- and post-application of a plant growth regulator reduced seedhead counts in Poa annua greens.
Poa annua: A plan of action October 2019 A $5.7 million research project is aiming to provide a clearer picture of Poa annua herbicide resistance, establish BMPs for Poa control, and deliver new support tools.
Verdure: That’s a sappy relationship June 2019 Can different in-field plant measurements — a clipping sap test or handheld reflectance meters — be used assess turf’s foliar nitrogen status to minimize anthracnose?
Microdochium patch management without fungicides May 2019 Oregon State researchers have been evaluating alternatives for Microdochium patch control, including phosphorous acid, sulfur and iron sulfate.
Surveying herbicide resistance in annual bluegrass May 2019 A two-year project in Tennessee is aiming to identify effective and no-longer-effective herbicides for Poa annua control, and to get a better grasp of the scope of resistance.
Summer turf stress: Redefining ordinary April 9, 2019 Summer turf decline is complex, with conditions from the previous spring and winter often coming to bear. Brush up on strategies to prevent and alleviate the season’s stresses.
Soil surfactant effects on golf course greens March 2019 Michigan State researchers evaluated the impacts of soil surfactant treatments on turf’s response to insufficient irrigation, overwatering and traffic stress.
Verdure: Ironing your Poa annua? January 2019 Virginia Tech researchers studied iron sulfate in combination with PGRs for Poa suppression on a creeping bentgrass green.
Dazomet for Poa annua control in fairway renovations December 2018 With methyl bromide off the market, researchers investigated dazomet’s ability to sterilize soil.
Verdure: T is for turfgrass, and P is for Poa December 2018 Auburn University researchers evaluated the effects of phosphorus on Poa annua growth and seedhead production.
Reducing Poa annua in zoysiagrass fairways November 2018 Can fraze mowing provide effective non-chemical control of Poa annua?
Techniques for turfgrass re-establishment following winterkill November 2018 Researchers evaluated the effects of fertilizer treatments, protective covers, and seeding creeping bentgrass or annual bluegrass on the re-establishment of putting greens post-winterkill.
Poa annua control: A perpetually moving target August 2018 Herbicide-resistant Poa annua populations have researchers rethinking best control strategies.
Verdure: The origins of Poa annua February 2018 Poa annua found its way into the scientific literature in the 1930s, but another 20 years would pass before its parental species were pinpointed.
Anthracnose on annual bluegrass turf: Best management practices February 2018 In many cases, a combination of cultural practices can effectively suppress anthracnose, eliminating the need for fungicides.
Controlling Poa annua in creeping bentgrass fairways January 2018 Researchers are evaluating annual bluegrass weevil, plant growth regulators and interseeding as tools for Poa annua control.
Iron sulfate and urea affect Microdochium patch on annual bluegrass December 2017 A two-year field study at Oregon State University explored different combinations of iron sulfate and urea applications on the incidence of Microdochium patch.