Nitrogen fertilization affects dollar spot severity in bentgrass September 2018 A three-year field trial evaluated whether nitrogen alone could deliver effective suppression of the costly turfgrass disease.
Fall turf prep: A focused fall for a stress-less spring August 30, 2018 Tackle fall disease flare-ups, implement preventive strategies, and steel your turf against the stresses of the upcoming winter.
Ink spot on golf course turf August 2018 Researchers have identified the causal agent of ink spot, a new foliar disease of bermudagrass and zoysiagrass in the southeastern United States.
Fraze mowing vs. spring dead spot on bermudagrass July 2018 A field experiment is evaluating how well aggressive fraze mowing stacks up against fungicide applications in handling spring dead spot.
Identifying and naming the fungi that cause dollar spot on turf July 2018 New technology has allowed scientists to reassign the organisms that cause dollar spot on turf to a new genus and four different species.
New dollar spot prediction model June 2018 The weather-based model can help turf managers make more accurate dollar spot fungicide applications based on environmental conditions.
Cream leaf blight of ultradwarf bermudagrass May 2018 A new disease of ultradwarf bermudagrass greens, cream leaf blight is bad for appearances in the southeastern transition zone and northern Florida.
Mapping spring dead spot using drones March 2018 Using unmanned aerial vehicles to map spring dead spot over large areas allows for targeted fungicide applications.
Agronomic planning: Less art, more science March 2018 When approaching the complex task of controlling pest and disease damage — particularly on greens — rely on solid data, the latest research, and a thorough but flexible plan.
Anthracnose on annual bluegrass turf: Best management practices February 2018 In many cases, a combination of cultural practices can effectively suppress anthracnose, eliminating the need for fungicides.
Optimizing timing of snow mold fungicides January 2018 Heating degree days may offer a guide for applying fungicides to prevent snow mold.
Iron sulfate and urea affect Microdochium patch on annual bluegrass December 2017 A two-year field study at Oregon State University explored different combinations of iron sulfate and urea applications on the incidence of Microdochium patch.
Effect of oriental mustard seed meal for dollar spot control December 2017 Seed meal from oriental mustard shows promise as a non-chemical means of dollar spot control, potentially reducing reliance on conventional fungicides.
Take-all root rot on the increase in the Carolinas September 2017 As take-all root rot has increased in the southern U.S., innovative cultural practices and new products for disease control are now at superintendents’ disposal.
Top 10 reasons to lightweight-roll golf course greens April 2014 This overview of the benefits of lightweight rolling — decreased disease incidence, better turf establishment and more — will have you ready to roll.