Five tips to develop a successful team culture September 4, 2024 Chris Lewis, CGCS, director of agronomy for Landscapes Golf Management, shares the practices that help his crew stay productive.
Cultivating healthy time-management habits August 2024 Truly organized people are made, not born. Learn how to develop time-saving management habits.
Mastering management August 2023 Becoming an effective manager is more of a process than a destination. These 10 tips can help you create your own self-improvement program.
Cutting Edge: Perennial ryegrass, precision turfgrass management survey August 2023 A study examines freezing damage in ryegrass, and a research center seeks survey participants
How statements of intent help your team June 27, 2022 Mission, vision and value statements cover every part of an organization. Learn why they have worth for your maintenance team.
What makes a good golf course superintendent? March 2022 A longtime former superintendent has found these dozen foundational underpinnings to be key for anyone in golf course management.
Golf course labor: Bridging the Gen Z generation gap January 2021 A superintendent shares what he has learned managing high school- and college-aged crew members, and offers advice on helping your youngest staffers — and, in turn, your operation — thrive.
Coronavirus: 10 lessons for the golf course management industry June 2020 Reflecting on how superintendents responded in the early days of the pandemic reveals valuable guidance on preparing for and weathering future challenges.
How to hang on to your golf course’s best employees December 2019 With demand for workers high and supply low, your top talent is more likely to depart for potentially greener pastures. Try these strategies to retain your team’s stars.
Golf course maintenance metrics: It’s time to retire cost-per-hole November 2019 Using a survey of clubs in New Jersey, a superintendent takes a close look at cost-per-hole, and offers alternative metrics for more accurate comparisons of course expenditures.
The 4 Ts for improving your golf course without spending a dime August 29, 2019 Tasked with doing more with less? A lower budget doesn’t have to mean a lower-quality golf course. These no-cost strategies will help you rise to the challenge.
Labor pains in golf course management March 2019 Golf courses big and small and at all compass points are struggling to fill maintenance positions in an evolving job market. GCSAA’s latest labor survey offers a closer look at the challenges.
A golf course superintendent abroad January 2019 A turf manager who made the leap to the Asian golf market 20-plus years ago shares lessons in perseverance and management learned through a different lens.
5 business tips I wish I’d learned as an assistant superintendent December 2018 Successful superintendents must possess business management smarts on par with their agronomic know-how. A veteran super shares insight on developing this skill set.
Perfecting performance management of golf course employees August 2018 Take a future-focused, coaching approach to performance management for improved employee relationships and retention.
The 10 commandments of successful golf course superintendents July 2018 Heed the wisdom of tenured turf managers to get to the top of your game.
Leadership and the human connection in the workplace April 2018 Rapport with employees sets the stage for optimal operation of the golf course, and prioritizing interpersonal connections can also help superintendents navigate a challenging business landscape.
Get the most out of your golf course crew April 2017 Successful superintendents must manage more than just turf. Optimal operation of the golf course lies in your ability to develop a motivated, productive staff.
Eight essential budgeting principles for superintendents October 2016 Set the stage for successful budget requests and productive communication with your facility’s financial decision-makers with these tried-and-true tactics.
Job security: 8 ways to stay indispensable July 2016 Solidify your status as an employed superintendent, even in the face of economic uncertainty and an evolving job market. An industry veteran shares tips gleaned from 40-plus years in the profession.