How do nitrogen and fungicide applications impact brown patch in tall fescue? December 2024 Researchers found tall fescue receiving high levels of nitrogen was most susceptible to brown patch.
GCM's guide to 2024-25 early order programs September 2024 Get an early start on your product orders with these deals.
Talking about snow mold July 2024 Typhula blight was described as a severe problem on creeping bentgrass and annual bluegrass in northern Michigan.
Take-all root rot, fungicide selection and application timing May 2024 Researchers investigated the efficacy of fungicide on take-all root rot using field and in vivo studies.
Verdure: Pythium to preemergence crabgrass control January 2024 A historical look at how pythium blight may have unintentionally helped create a crabgrass control product.
Verdure: Spray water pH is all good May 2023 Purdue University Researchers examined the effects of water-carrier pH on fungicide performance.
Pythium diseases: Go with what you know May 2, 2023 Identify Pythium disease and control it with the industry standard: Segway Fungicide SC
Diagnosing DMI fungicide resistance issues on Canadian golf courses May 2022 Resistance in Microdochium patch to propiconazole is common in British Columbia, 
but less common in Ontario.
Combination fungicides for improved turfgrass disease control June 2021 Treatments with more than one active ingredient can reach a broad range of pathogens with increased efficacy and reduced resistance risk. Learn about different options and which diseases they target.
Dollar spot: Evaluating biological and oil-based fungicides March 2021 Researchers discuss findings from their tests of eight commercially available alternative controls for dollar spot in turfgrass.
Influence of carrier water pH on fungicide efficacy July 2020 Fungicides are most often mixed with water before application — can the quality of that water affect a product’s performance?
Understanding turf fungicide resistance and FRAC codes June 18, 2020 Brian Aynardi, Ph.D., offers a primer on how resistance develops, which turf pathogens are resistant to which fungicides, and steps superintendents can take to rein in resistance.
Segway fungicide: Effects of irrigation on distribution May 2020 On a creeping bentgrass green, both the amount and timing of irrigation following cyazofamid application affected delivery of the fungicide to the target site.
Union Fungicide SC: Q&A with Brian Aynardi, Ph.D. February 21, 2020 The scientist who leads PBI-Gordon’s fungicide development efforts discusses the company’s new premixed formulation, which controls Pythium diseases, anthracnose and more.
Soil surfactants and fungicide movement in turf November 2019 Fungicides need some assistance reaching the root zone if they are to effectively combat crown and root diseases. How well do various soil surfactants help?
The dawn of a new DMI: Maxtima and Navicon fungicides October 21, 2019 Two new chemistries have reshaped spring dead spot control at a renowned South Carolina course.
A soil surfactant affects distribution of mefenoxam September 2019 Researchers investigated whether pairing mefenoxam with a soil surfactant would increase the fungicide’s downward movement in the soil profile.
Fungicide fate following mowing and irrigation July 2019 Researchers looked at how post-application irrigation and mowing timing influenced the amounts of fungicide in turfgrass clippings and the soil profile.
Dollar spot resistance to SDHI fungicides March 2019 Recent reports of resistance to next-generation SDHI fungicides have prompted a closer look at dollar spot mutations and management strategies.
Plant uptake and optimal timing of snow mold fungicides February 2019 A study from the University of Wisconsin-Madison indicates that the timing of snow mold fungicide applications has a significant impact on fungicide efficacy.